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Aggie Events

Crowd sourced event hub for TAMU students.

Built with:

NextJS TailwindCSS React PostgreSQL Express JS Docker Traefik Github Actions

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Uh Oh!

Kaizen: TAMUHack25 Toyota Challenge Winner

Created a solution to help people easily discover the best vehicle match for them. Webscaped,, and for vehicle data and consumer reviews. Used a postgressql database to store this data. Created a flask API to serve this data to the Next/React app. Used tailwindCSS to style the website to be straightforward. Created sentiment anlysis summaries using the scraped vehicle reviews to summarize consumer sentiment.

Built with:

NextJS TailwindCSS React PostgreSQL Flask OpenAI API Selenium Beautiful Soup Arize Phoenix

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Trouble CLI Game
Try is out: github link
Simple command line interface game of trouble. 4 players.
python colorama
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IoT Fridge
Try is out: devpost link
Control and monitor my minifridge in my dorm using the Texas A&M Internet of Things network from anywhere on campus.
Raspberry Pi python websockets
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Robotics Resource Website
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A collection of resources I made for new members to the robotics club. Built using an Astro JS theme:
Astro JS React
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Howdy Hack '24 Project: Wildes Western Wonders
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Western themed party game with multiplayer functionality. Used cookies to track player identities.
React NextJS TailwindCSS websockets
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